At Unbound Financial, we know that dealing with Centrelink can be a daunting and time-consuming task for many of our clients. That is why we offer a range of services to help you navigate the complex and ever-changing Centrelink system to maximise your entitlements and minimise delays in payments.
We’ll deal with Centrelink on your behalf.
This means that we can act as your correspondence nominee and communicate with Centrelink on your behalf. We can also help you with lodging claims, reporting income, updating your details, and accessing online services.
This can save you a lot of hassle and stress and ensure that you receive the correct payments and services from Centrelink.
We can upload your updates via our own Proda Centrelink portal.
Proda is an online identity verification and authentication system that lets us securely access government online services.
By uploading updates on your behalf to the Proda portal, we can help you manage your information and access these services more efficiently and conveniently, no matter where you are in the world.
We can assist you with completing applications or updates online.
We can help you apply for new payments or services, or update your existing ones, using your own Centrelink online account. We can guide you through the online process and ensure that you complete all the required steps and provide all the necessary documents.
By offering these services, we aim to make your life easier and help you achieve your financial goals, whether you want to learn how to manage it yourself or hand over the reins.
If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help you with these services, please contact us today. We would love to hear from you and discuss your options.